After i think it deeply, i asked many people, heard thousand of comments [goods & bad], after i cry so much, after i always got a problem to sleep at night so i decide.
Pergilah babe, larilah babe... Go wherever you want, as far as u could, run as fast as you can and leave me here... Because the only thing that i want is, i WANT you to be HAPPY. That it is. Enough for me. Previous time, i always said, if the only thing that i can do for you is seeing you so I"LL do it. But since i feel the more we're being close, the more we're always meet i'm worried the more you feel uncomfortable. You can even choose not to talk to me, you even can decide not to look at my face even a second. Cause all i want is your happiness. Please do what ever you want. You even can hurt me like hell if that can make you happy. Seeing you in tense mood, is killing me more.
Akhirnya, i feel relief! ;D
for all it's worth, go away~~
Heheeheh.lama sik komen eh. how are u holding up?
ya lorrrr.. x pa at least i know u still here with me *hugs* joan... i feel down ;( without apparent reason
apa mek nak padah..berjalan, lihat n tafsirla..mcm2 ktk jumpa lak..
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