Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What should i say?

After all, what should i say now? Happy? Hurt? Butterflies flying freely around me. Flying freely inside my heart. So how can i deny it? Afraid of HURT? Yes it is. That is the reason. The major reason for sure. Afraid of loosing someone that i love madly.

Seriously, sometimes i just want to give up to everything. Seems like i never get what i want in life. Is that so hard to get it?


J.Clair said...

Ohh efaa, blog mu yg satu lagii comment box is nor working lah..oso put a follower gadget, dpt juak mek follow blog ktk..

Nur Affa said...

errrrrrrr hahaha kelak mek ato ok? terharu** ada jwak org mok follow blog mek ka?