Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Try to find my best word to explain to you how i feel right now... hard to say "NO" and hard to say "YES" as well. Straight to the point... YES! i'm falling in LOVE with someone right now. Someone that i called HIM. but instead of that i DON'T say that i will "KUNCI" my heart to anyone.

May be EFA you know right now is different from efa you know last few years dear, may be i'm too demanding nowadays. Cause i'm well trained by HURT. To make it short, if you want something in your life so you must give effort on it. May be you just have give it right now. Hope you understand of what i mean. DON'T expect too much from me couse i can't promise anything right now. But to be fair so i give you the CHANCE. May be right now, i'm in the comfort zone. Comfort to be single *it almost 1 year* something that i really enjoy it right now. I simply can't deny when speaking about heart, anything can happen, the same thing happen to our LIFE. The important thing is EFFORT.

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