Monday, November 12, 2012

Understand me or not

To all my stalkers, understand my writing before you judge me.

You won't be able to stalk my fb again cause i'm gonna deactivating my fb. Errrr i think hahaha

 Here you should stalk me more. I will be more honest on what i write. That is how I express my feeling to the world.

Understanding me writing first before you decide to add me in twitter or instagram.

Happy Deepavali!!!


hafizan hajijah haneesa said...

mek stalker ktk koh....hohoho....

hafizan hajijah haneesa said...

kamek stalker ktk koh....hoho...

Nur Affa said...

kak jijah: sapa2 pun boleh stalk kmk bah... mun kmk x mok d stalk kmk x molah blog nak, betol x?